Man Ray Chess Set

 The Dada & Surrealist artist Man Ray (1890-1976) designed a number of notable chess sets throughout his life. Among them are his 1926 set (on display at the MoMA) and his 1945 set (famously once owned by David Bowie).

These modern reproductions combine elements of both iconic chess sets, and utilize modern manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing, silicone mold making, and resign cold casting.

Manufactured with both play & aesthetics in mind, these pieces are double weighted. Additional changes to some pieces were also made (such as increasing the height of the king) to allow the pieces to conform established chess standards.

In total, 3 full sets were completed (silver-black, red-white, clear-black), with additional pieces made to explore finishes & low run manufacturing techniques.

Original designs by Man Ray.


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